New Patron, anyone?

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Wouldn't it be wonderful if the new Duchess of Cambridge were found to have a closet interest in the environment?   Well, NGOs in need of a Patron take note:

Kate Middleton has a keen appreciation of the natural world and she derives great joy from the down-to-earth comforts of the physical world, with its myriad of delights. She is quite sensual in a very natural, wholesome way and she knows how to enjoy herself. Middleton is appealing to the opposite sex in an earthy way. She is also a great lover of beauty and her tastes are basically conventional or classic - not modern.

Mind you, this is from which specialises in relationships analysis, and the text begins ...

The following is a description of Kate's basic stance toward life, the way others see her, the way Kate Middleton comes across, the face she shows to the world. In the page about motivation you will read about the inner Kate Middleton - her real motivation, which describes the kind of person she is at heart and where her true priorities lie.

So, maybe not; mind you, there were all those Field Maples in the Abbey ...

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