New Journal Opportunities

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Publishers are always on the lookout for new journal niches, ever eager to part universities and academics from their ready money.  Browsing at the wonderful Art in Action festival recently, I stumbled upon a proposal for project of unfinished projects — a sort of self-help group for all the tatters, knitters, and weavers out there who are stuck (or bored) with some part-realised artefact.  The academic equivalent of this is the Journal of Once Unfinished Papers — a home for writing projects that are stuck for one reason or another.  My vision is of an journal-moderated on-line dating agency where such papers are brought to the attention of academics bereft of ideas of their own, but who can always contribute something to the margins of somebody else's.  The result will be new joint publications, where everyone's a winner.

Mind you, this should not be confused with the Journal of Still Unfinishable Papers as these already exists in almost every field.

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