The better end of the bargain?

Posted in: Comment, New Publications

Think Global has welcomed the report of the national curriculum expert panel.  It has not, however, explicitly welcomed the recommendations.  This is perhaps unsurprising given that its core notions of global citizenship / learning are conspicuously absent from the report, and citizenship itself as a subject looks set to be downgraded from the national to the basic curriculum because it does not have "sufficient disciplinary coherence" (see footnote 58 on page 24 of the report).  Damned – and not even with faint praise.  D&T and ICT are similarly regarded.

It seems even worse that this in that the report's reference to "encouraging responsible citizenship" in the Aim statements is entirely within the UK context which seems inexplicable (section 2.16 on page 16).

On the other hand, this relegation of citizenship to the second circle means that its programme of study and attainment targets will no longer be centrally prescribed.  Thus, schools will have freedom to shape and decide its form and focus.  That might just be the better end of the bargain.

Posted in: Comment, New Publications


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