Can you have too much contact with nature?

Posted in: Comment, New Publications, News and Updates

Probably, I'd say, and the bloke sitting on this rock certainly looks as if he's running that risk.

Thanks to Learn from Nature for alerting me to this long list of possible reasons why contact with nature is a good thing.  I'm pleased to say that I found a line or two to identify with, even if I'm not wholly at one with every tenet of the New Nature Movement.

But there's something here for almost everyone, it seems.  For example ...

  • You want to reignite all of your senses.
  • You’re a nature-smart teacher who takes your students outside because you understand the power of nature to help them learn.
  • You’re an artist, writer, photographer or musician who knows the power of nature to stimulate creativity, and you use your talents to reconnect people to nature.
  • You’re an outdoor recreationist who restores nature.
  • You’re a citizen naturalist
  • You care about the human relationship with nature, whether you’re liberal, conservative…or other.
  • You’re someone who understands that all spiritual life begins with a sense of wonder, and that nature is a window into that wonder.
  • You hunger for authenticity; you believe in nature’s power to create a deeper sense of personal and regional identity.
  • ...

Do you hunger after authenticity?  Not sure I do, which is maybe where I'm going wrong.

I'm off to read the National Trust's '50 things to do before you're 11¾' to see what I've missed out on.  Meanwhile, here's a more graphic take on the NNM idea.

Posted in: Comment, New Publications, News and Updates


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