Can we please have an environmental education that takes economics seriously?

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

One of the problems of trying to be an environmental educator is how do you take the need for social and economic change seriously when you're addressing the environment.

It seems axiomatic that this has to be done, one way or another, as all environmental problems are socio-economic ones, and so the ultimate solution to all environmental problems lies in socio-economic (i.e., political) strategies, that is in economics – as everything is economics – isn't it.  Economics has never been the forte of E. Educators; many just ignore it, whilst others pretend they can re-write its laws to suit their arguments.  Economics isn't really part of EE / ESD / EfS / etc,  these days, of course (and vice versa), but if we are to address the causes of our problems, and the causes of the causes, then its role seems impossible to sideline.

This seems to be the logic of Brent Blackwelder's post for the Daly News which I commend if nothing more than as a provocation.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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