Walter Leal's very special day

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Are you an academic who can't think what to say?  Or one too idle to do your own preparation?  Don't despair, Walter L has the answer(s) for you – and they're free.

Walter sent an email to his many followers (it didn't come to me) saying that preparations for the 3rd World Sustainable Development Teach-in Day on 25th March, are complete, and that over 100 powerpoint presentations from sustainability experts from across the world that were presented at WSSD-U-2014, are now on-line.  These, Walt says, can be used as a basis for lectures.

In his usual under-stated fashion, W goes on to say that the Teach-in Day will "unite the global sustainability community", and "cater for all time zones".  It will, it seems, be "a very special day." Huzzar!

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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