WEEC 8 was a success – it's now official

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Phew!  What a relief; I was beginning to wonder ... .  Actually, it was a "big success", according to a co-chair of the congress – that's how these international evaluations tend to go.  You can read the full detail on the Transformative Learning blog.

As I read the report, this caught my eye:

"I was privileged to give a keynote during the opening session.  In my talk ... I referred to this increased public unrest about climate change, micro-plastics in oceans and bodies, etc. but also to the hijacking of identity and colonisation of the mind for business interests (don’t accept those cookies, or check that ‘I agree’ box too quickly), the increased yearning for meaning over consumption, and the need for educating and learning for a transition towards a healthier, more equitable, ecologically viable, morally defensible and peaceful world. ..."

Just so, I thought.  But, as I got to the end of the piece, I saw that Transformative Learning is now carrying adverts.  As St Matthew (7:1-5) noted a while back, there's surely an issue here of motes and beams here.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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