Creative book titles

Posted in: Comment, New Publications

I guess you have come across Palgrave MacMillan's pivot series of books?  Such a nice idea.  I've reviewing one at the moment for EER.  It's a very tactile thing with a brightly patterned silky cover.

The very titles are inviting, which suggests that they have someone creative who dreams them up.  Try:

  • Indigenous Feminist Narratives: I/We: Wo(men) of an(Other) Way
  • Just the Facts Ma'am: a Case Study of the Reversal of Corruption in the LAPD
  • Mobile Commons, Migrant Digitalities and the Right to the City
  • Freedom in the Anthropocene: Twentieth century Helplessness in the Face of Climate Change
  • Creativity and Humour in Occupy Movements: Intellectual Disobedience in Turkey and Beyond
  • Mobile Desires: the Politics and Erotics of Mobility Justice
  • The Anthropocene Lyric: an Affective Geography of Poetry, Person, Place

It makes me wonder what I would (or is that could) write.




Posted in: Comment, New Publications


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