There's nowt so queer as EE folk

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

Joshua Russell (Canisius College, Buffalo) is seeking contributions to a book called Queer EcoPedagogies: Explorations in Sexuality, Nature, and Education.  His call begins:

In 2002, Constance Russell, Tema Sarick, and Jacqueline Kennelly wrote what was arguably the first foray into queer theory in environmental education (EE) research, drawing scholarly attention to the potential “in explicitly and actively ‘queering’ environmental education” (2002, p. 55). Shortly thereafter, Gough, Gough, Applebaum, Doll, and Sellers, invited environmental educators to walk the difficult path of exposing and “queer(y)ing” the field’s “heteronormative constructedness” by visiting the imaginary Camp Wilde (Gough et al., 2003, pp. 44-45). However, a period of silence followed these important calls for applying and performing queer theory within environmental education research and scholarship.  ..."

How I remember the wearisome seminars on all this at the time, with their attempts to shock us out of our liberal certainties.  How I welcomed the silence.

Russell's suggestions [**] for potential themes and topics for the book include:

  • What are the potential connections to be made between queer ecology and environmental education research and practice?
  • In what ways might queer theory contribute to various educational commitments seeking to unsettle anthropocentrism, heterosexism, and other oppressive views of human-environment relationships?
  • In what ways can queer educators trouble the categories of “human,” “nonhuman,” and “nature” in ways that promote the enactment of more just, caring, and diverse multi-species communities and societies?
  • What are the various tensions surrounding gender and sexuality within environmental education scholarship and practice?  What new paths might we seek in addressing these tensions?
  • To what extent is "keep buggering on" an adequate or appropriate strategy for environmental educators to adopt given the existential threats we face?
  • In what curricular “spaces” do environmental educators apply, practice, or perform queer pedagogies?
  • What are the challenges and possibilities for emphasizing queerness in the various existing or established educational frameworks addressing humananimal-nature concerns (e.g., humane education, conservation education, education for sustainability/sustainable development, outdoor education, environmental education)?

Those interested should contact the editor:


** I need to say that only six of these suggestions are Russell's.  One is mine.  But which one?  Answers on a postcard to the usual address.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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