Monbiot misses much of the point

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

No doubt you read George Monbiot's piece in the Guardian the other week on the school climate strikes.  I was underwhelmed in part, at least, because of its diffuse focus.  But it was the failure to mention curriculum that was the most obvious omission.  These young people are protesting not just about the socio-economic system and the failure of political leadership, but about schools' lack of focus on the existential issues we are confronted with.

It's understandable that Monbiot doesn't have a nuanced grip on curriculum theory – who does these days?  But it is surely an obvious point to make that these young people are in schools where they are taught (some of the time at least) about the world.  What they are taught is of greater importance today than it ever has been although you wouldn't think so from the reaction of policy makers.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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