A school striker in the family

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

One of my granddaughters is striking tomorrow – but with permission which some say hardly counts, but read on as there is curriculum intent here.  This is the letter her parents received:

Dear Parent/carer(s)

School Strike for Climate Change Trip

This half term, Year 5 have been participating in the Make a Difference Challenge, which sees students take part in a social project on a topic of their choice.  Year 5 have chosen Climate Change as their topic.  They have decided that they would like to participate in a ‘School Strike for Climate Change’ strike as part of a global standby school children around the world.

On Friday 24th May 2019, school, college and university students from across the UK will be striking to raise awareness of the climate emergency that will impact their lives and that of their future children and grandchildren, calling for the Government to take more urgent action.  Last month there were 1.4 million strikers across the world!  The action of striking develops their courage to stand up for what they think is important.  It empowers them and allows them to exercise their democratic rights.  It also supports the current curriculum in learning about the world around us and our contributing to society.

We are planning on taking both Year 5 classes to ******** Civic Centre to peacefully strike from 10:30am-12.30pm.  We shall be walking to the venue with our protest signs.  ...  We would love parents to join us at the location to participate and support your child in this very important issue.


Almost action competence, I think, which is good to see.  A particular 'well done' to the school for taking students' ideas seriously.  I've no doubt that my granddaughter's voice was an insistent one in all this.  I can hear her now ...

Part of the purpose of the action by the students is to encourage schools to focus more on climate and broader ecological issues but it's not clear from the letter how much the school already does.  Reacting to student demand is one thing; taking responsibility as an institution is quite another.  We need more of both.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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