The Office for Students passes the buck

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

2020 in the HE sector has got off to an hilarious start, but not in a good way.

I understand that the ludicrously mis-named, and über useless, Office for Students is expecting the Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education Leaders (formed in 2019 by EAUC, the Association of Colleges, GuildHE and Universities UK) to ensure that the sector meets the UK government's target of reducing all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.

Note the "to ensure" here.

It is beyond ridiculous to suggest that a toothless Commission can do this.  The clue is in the name.   The OfS does have the power to do this (as it's a regulator) but an unwilling one it seems – just has it has been throughout all its existence when it comes to environment and sustainability; unwilling and indifferent.

Here's a suggestion for a new year resolution for the OfS: remember you're a regulator that holds HE institutions to account on behalf of the public.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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