Apply for the Doctoral Award for Public Engagement

Posted in: Engage Awards

There is fantastic public engagement work going on right across the University of Bath and we here at the Public Engagement Unit are keen to celebrate it. The Vice-Chancellor's Engage Awards and Public Engagement Showcase is one way we reward our colleagues and help raise the profile of their public engagement work. When we relaunched the awards last year we made a few changes including making them biennial, following feedback from doctoral students and to ensure we don't disadvantage them as we move away from an annual awards, we're thrilled to announce the Doctoral Award for Public Engagement.

Rewarding and recognising doctoral students

The Doctoral Award for Public Engagement aims to recognise and reward high-quality public engagement with research projects carried out by doctoral students at the University of Bath and is run in collaboration with the Doctoral College.

Who can apply

The award is open to all doctoral students at the University of Bath (whose period of registration at Friday 1 May has not exceeded the maximum time permitted by the regulations for the particular degree).

Applications can be submitted from individuals, groups or centres but they must demonstrate high-quality public engagement associated with their research.

As a doctoral student, you will need to secure permission from your supervisor(s) in order to apply for this award.

Types of engagement eligible

For the purposes of the award, you need to identify the type of public engagement that best represents your work from one of our four categories:

Informing - projects that share research knowledge with public groups outside of academia. Examples of activities in this category could include (but are not limited to) broadcasting, exhibitions, radio, blogs, social media activities, public lectures or research related outreach activities.

Listening - projects that involve listening and responding to a public group’s needs, knowledge and experience. Examples of activities in this category could include (but are not limited to) roundtable discussions, citizen science, stakeholder panels, patient-public involvement or similar activities.

Working Together - projects that involve working with others who are outside of academia. Examples of activities in this category could include (but are not limited to) carrying out research collaboratively with community partners, collaborating with local artist groups to run an exhibition based on your research, working with research stakeholders to create tools based on your research or similar activities.

Leading - for individuals who support others to engage public groups with their research. Examples of activities in this category could include (but are not limited to) supporting other doctoral students to engage the public with their research, finding and providing opportunities for others to develop their public engagement skills, taking a strategic approach to public engagement such as creating a strategy or programme of activities for their department/research group or sharing practice with other doctoral students and researchers.

There will only be one award and not separate awards for each category. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to the award ceremony and will recieve a certificate to recognise their public engagement work alongside the winner who will recieve the award. All shortlisted candidates are considered a worthy recipient of the award by the judging panel.


Apply now

The deadline for applications is Thursday 18 June 2020 at 5pm. For more information about the award and details of how to apply visit the Doctoral Award for Public Engagement page.


If you have any questions as to which category your project might fit into or want to find out more about the award please feel free to get in touch with us here in the Public Engagement Unit.

Dean Veall is Deputy Head of Public Engagement 

Posted in: Engage Awards

Find out more about the Doctoral Award for Public Engagement and how to apply


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