Wessex Water to invest in University research

Posted in: Wessex Water, WIRC @ Bath

We’re thrilled to announce a new partnership between our water researchers here at Bath and Wessex Water.

Elliott-Arnot2The partnership will allow five streams of research into areas such as sustainable water and sewage treatment, keeping bills affordable and reducing carbon footprint - all of which will be explored by a multi-disciplinary research team from fields as diverse as the sciences, engineering and management here at Bath.

The collaboration will also allow us to launch a new state of the art ‘Water Innovation and Research Centre @ Bath’ in 2015, a facility that will provide a unique environment in which research into water technologies and resource management can be conducted.

You can read more about this new partnership here: http://www.bath.ac.uk/research/news/2013/06/11/wessex-water-to-invest-in-bath-research/

Posted in: Wessex Water, WIRC @ Bath


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