Sarah Eliot
Sarah EliotFebruary 6, 2018
Water treatment and resource recovery modelling
This February sees the next talk in the monthly 'Water Colloquium' series organised by WIRC @ Bath exploring the breadth of water research being undertaken at the University of Bath and beyond. Title: Water treatment and resource recovery modelling Speaker:...
Sarah EliotJanuary 16, 2018
IChemE Water Special Interest Group 30th Anniversary Young Process Engineer Prize
Olivia Bailey was recently named runner-up in the IChemE Water Special Interest Group 30th Anniversary Young Process Engineer Prize. This prize was created with the aim of engaging and drawing together the young minds of our community. It required the...
Sarah EliotJanuary 1, 2018
Colloquium by WISE CDT Students
This event has now been CANCELLED. This January sees the next talk in the monthly 'Water Colloquium' series organised by WIRC @ Bath exploring the breadth of water research being undertaken at the University of Bath and beyond. When: Thursday...
More from this author
Sarah EliotDecember 19, 2017
Research & Public Engagement about the Historical Flood Events of the City of Bath
The following post was contributed by Dr. Chrysoula Papacharalampou, a Research Associate in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Research currently undertaken within the Research Unit for Water, Environment and Infrastructure Resilience (WEIR) sheds light on the utility of...
Sarah EliotDecember 6, 2017
Collaboration visit from University of Johannesburg to Bath
The following post was submitted by Professor Frank Marken from the Department of Chemistry. A postgraduate researcher, Luthando Tshwenya from the University of Johannesburg, visited Bath with support from the DST/Mintek Nanotechnology Innovation Centre, University of Johannesburg, Water Research commission...
Sarah EliotNovember 28, 2017
Water Scarcity and multi-functionality of the water supply chain
This December sees the next talk in the monthly 'Water Colloquium' series organised by WIRC @ Bath exploring the breadth of water research being undertaken at the University of Bath and beyond. Title: Water Scarcity and multi-functionality of the water...
Sarah EliotNovember 15, 2017
Fellowship Success
Two members of staff at the University of Bath have recently been awarded Fellowships from NERC. Dr. Ilaria Prosdocimi from the Department of Mathematical Sciences has been awarded a Industrial Innovation Fellowship with a project titled "Developing Innovative Flood Frequency Estimation for a Resilient nation (DIFFER)"....
Sarah EliotNovember 14, 2017
Test to prevent crippling fluorosis
A research team at the University of Bath’s Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies, and the Water Innovation and Research Centre (WIRC), led by Simon Lewis, has developed a simple colour-changing test that detects high levels of fluoride quickly and selectively....
Sarah EliotNovember 1, 2017
A mixed methods approach to exploring urban ecosystem services
This November sees the next talk in the monthly 'Water Colloquium' series organised by WIRC @ Bath exploring the breadth of water research being undertaken at the University of Bath and beyond. Title: A mixed methods approach to exploring urban...
Sarah EliotOctober 25, 2017
Sources, fluxes and biological effects of microplastics in freshwater ecosystems
You are invited to attend a one-day workshop of lightning talks, breakout sessions and networking, hosted by the GW4 Water Security Alliance at Cardiff University. The aim of the day is to draw on evidence available from marine systems as...