WESBath visit 18th Bath Brownies

Posted in: Event, Outreach

April is a busy month, but on Monday, 16 April we took a break to visit the 18th Bath Brownies in All Saints Centre. Four engineers went along;  Anna Scott, Molly Mcmaster, Amy Wynn and myself.

This brownies group was full of enthusiastic girls that were excited for the activity we planned - the straw tower challenge.

Throughout the activity we ensured that the girls understood the engineering behind a strong structure. We explained how the triangle is the strongest shape and how a shorter straw is less likely to bend.   When everyone had finished building their towers, it was testing time!

We had some really strong structures that could hold the beaker completely filled with water!

We hope that some of those girls end up being engineers, because we’re sure they’ve got what it needs!

Leen Jabban

WESBath Co-Chair, 3rd year IMEE

Posted in: Event, Outreach


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