Getting started on your essay

Posted in: essay-writing

Top tips for successful essay writing 

Posted in: essay-writing


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  • This Vedic really helps me to know how to start an essay. I think I need more practice in the part of slot questions into sections which could generate a whole outline of an essay.

    • Thank you Bay Chen,
      I'm glad you found it useful.

  • I am still confused about the meaning of "Do not try to understand the whole topic before you start to write". Does it mean that there may be some conflict between my understanding before my research and after?

    • Thank you for your question.
      It is pretty much impossible to understand any topic completely, and when students attempt to research every single aspect of the subject before they start to write, they often become overloaded with information, and so may not know where to begin. We recommend that by analysing the title of your assignment, and generating specific and highly focused questions, you can then research each of these one by one, from the simple (eg definitions and descriptions) to the more complex (theories, arguments, empirical analysis etc) You can then slowly piece together your response, building up your assignment (and your understanding of the topic) like a jigsaw, until your picture is complete (within the limits of the question, of course).
      I hope my response helps.