Hi, I’m Erifyli. I’m a final year International Management student and Skills Co-Creator. Here are some of my personal tips that will help you to organise and revise efficiently for the upcoming exam period.
Exam period. "That time of the year" is approaching. People are setting revision schedules, libraries are getting full, and clubs are getting empty. It might be stressful, but there are lots of things you can do to make sure you do your best in your exams.
Plan your time
One of the most important things for exam preparation is to plan ahead and organise your time effectively. How many times have we thought we have lots of time to study for an exam but it turns out the time isn't enough? Then we get stressed, start worrying, and a pile of negative emotions is created.
To stay calm and organised, it’s a good idea to apply backward induction planning. What does this mean? Think of the deadline or exam date (or whenever you aim to submit your coursework) and start planning backwards whatever needs to get done. Set key dates for finishing some parts of the syllabus and try to keep up with it. I know… it’s hard, but it’s worth it.
After planning, you need to set priorities and adjust your revision timetable around your daily schedule.
What are your priorities? Going to the gym? Seeing friends in the evening? Then think about how many hours you need to study per day. If you organise your studying around your daily schedule, rather than revolve your daily schedule around your studying, it will help you stay productive and not burn out throughout. You can then design a realistic and achievable study schedule for your exams.
Find a space where you can concentrate
Exam periods get extremely busy, time is precious and staying focussed is extremely important. So it’s important to find a place where you can have a productive study session throughout the day.
Places to study can be at the university’s facilities on campus or town, your home, or even a quiet café. You can also book a study space online.
Prep for each type of exam
Different courses include different types of exams and therefore require different types of preparation. However, there are some common tips that apply to every type of exam.
Firstly, it’s a good idea to check past papers, to get an understanding of the exam structure and level of difficulty. Try to solve any exercises or create a structure for essay-based questions.
In the case of taking open book online exams, you can create a "cheat" sheet with all the key theories, information, and/or data that can help you answer the typical exam questions.
Ask for help
If you have difficulties or questions during the revision period, it may help to share your concerns with others. We all have been stuck and don’t understand an exercise, but there will always be someone who can help us. Ask your friends, your course mates, or your lecturer.
Sharing your thoughts will definitely help you resolve questions and learn the material better. From a personal experience I have benefitted plenty of times by just discussing the material before the exam.
Skills Centre support
For additional support, you can visit the Skills Centre page which includes guides for online and in-person exams, time management, and other useful resources.
Good luck!