Exploring LinkedIn Learning

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While my lectures provide core subject knowledge, LinkedIn Learning offers focused, practical courses that have already helped me approach my studies and build employability skills.

How LinkedIn Learning Works

LinkedIn Learning courses typically begin with an introductory section, followed by chapters broken into bite-sized video lessons. These are often accompanied by quizzes to test your understanding, and some courses even include a final test or exam. Upon completion, you gain access to a certificate—great for showcasing your achievements.

What I learned on LinkedIn Learning

One of the first courses I explored was “Using Neuroscience for More Effective Learning and Development.”

The information in this was  about balancing introversion and extroversion in professional settings. Through this course, I gained actionable tips on connecting with colleagues across the introvert, extrovert and ambivert spectrum. Additionally, I learnt about how to ‘stretch’ my natural introversion in different situations and how extroverts can do the same. These are key employability skill for careers where interpersonal skills matter.

Understanding research design is critical in psychology, so the “Quantitative Research: Foundation of Academic Research” course was invaluable. —each with its application in social studiesThis course expanded on my existing knowledge of quantitative research, enhancing my ability to analyse research papers for my course and equipping me with skills essential for my future career, where research plays a significant and integral role.

Although not directly psychology-related, “Learning Excel Data Analysis” is a course I chose to strengthen my technical skills, recognising that data literacy is essential in today’s job market. This course stood out because of its engaging format and inclusion of downloadable workbooks, allowing me to apply techniques to data sets. The course broke down Excel’s data analysis and visualisation features, which are valuable for handling any data-heavy projects, from academic research to market analysis.

My journey through LinkedIn Learning has equipped me with practical tools and insights I can immediately apply to my studies and future career.

Useful Features in LinkedIn Learning

  • Encouraging Reminder emails: These encouraging inbox additions helped me to stay on track with learning on longer courses and prompted me to stop procrastinating
  • No skipping feature: It is tempting to skip ahead on the videos, but it could mean missing important content. LinkedIn Learning detects if you skip ahead on a video and mark the video as incomplete, meaning you’ll have to watch in full to complete the course.
  • End of chapter quizzes: The multiple-choice quizzes are an engaging way to test learning and ensure you understand the content. These are set to allow guesses, but not too many!
  • AI chatbot: The AI uses the information from the course and your LinkedIn profile to provide relevant and helpful responses to prompts. It is great for summarising content and re-explaining things when necessary.

For those new to LinkedIn Learning, I recommend exploring courses in areas where you’d like to grow, whether technical, research-oriented, or soft skills. It’s a great way to make your university experience even more impactful, setting yourself up for a successful career post-graduation.

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