Vanda Sigel
Hi, I'm Vanda! I am a Final Year Politics with Economics (with Placement) student. Part of the One Young World Bath Committee and working part-time as a Skills Co-Creator at the Skills Centre. Passionate about Ballroom and Latin dancing as well as watercolour painting.
Vanda SigelOctober 2, 2023
Navigating the dissertation process: my tips for final years
Imagine for a moment... After months of hard work and research on a topic you're passionate about, the time has finally come to click the 'Submit' button on your dissertation. You've just completed your longest project to date as part...
My final year survival guide
My final year has recently come to an end, and as much as I would like to say I wouldn’t have done it any differently, there are some things that I’d change if I could do it all over again....
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Vanda SigelOctober 2, 2023
My final year survival guide