
  • Now Recruiting!

    As promised, I can now confirm that I am recruiting for participants to take part in the study I talked about last week. To take part, participants must: be of 50 years of age or older; have normal-to-corrected vision; not...

  • Teaser for Study

    A couple of weeks ago, I brought you up to speed with where I was in the process of planning a study. The pilot work I have completed over the past couple of weeks has helped to fine tune the...

  • July Update: Creating Resources for a Study

    It has taken me a while to get around to blogging recently. Amongst other things, I have been preoccupied with designing the next big research activity for my EngD project. Here is a quick update on where I am with...

  • What Actually Goes On During a Steering Group Meeting?

    This first week back after being away has been a busy one! My focus has been mainly on the second steering group meeting, which I continued preparing at the beginning of the week before meeting with members on Wednesday. The...

  • June Update: Progress is Being Made!

    If I had to sum up the vibe I've had for the past week or so, it would have to be with the phrase "good stressful". To bring you up to speed with all I have been up to, I...

  • Time to Type: Transcribing Interviews Before Analysis

    This week I conducted the final interview for the first big research activity of my project. I have written previously about how I need to decide on how to approach analysing the data and, as the title suggests, I have...

  • My CHI 2019 Experience

    I had a great time in Glasgow at CHI 2019 last week. I met a lot of wonderful people, saw a lot of interesting things, and managed to survive! I did my best to keep up with updates on Twitter,...

  • May 2019 Update

    I met with my supervisors this week to talk about the progress of my project, so what better time for a blog update? In this post, I will share my progress with conducting interviews, writing a literature review, and some...

  • Exploring Qualitative Research Methods

    I am now well underway with the first set of interviews for my research project. Although I did spend time planning the interviews, what I did not do was properly familiarise myself with qualitative data collection and analysis. That seems like...

  • A Reflection on Planning and Doing

    This week I have decided to write a more personal blog post. I think it is important to be open and honest with oneself, and I find that writing about how I feel can help me to clarify my thoughts....