New Year, New Skills - Modelling 3D Objects
Happy New Year! It's been a while since I've posted anything, but things have been ticking over since my December 2019 Update. I did not end up submitting the ethics application for the next study last month, but my submission...
December 2019 Update
Despite the high of previous weeks, so far in December I have felt busy but not very productive. In an attempt to combat this unhelpful attitude, I have prepared one of my monthly updates. Read on to find out what's...
A Week in the Life of My EngD
Monday - Volunteering I spend my Monday mornings volunteering at a local day centre, which is always a great way to start my week. I enjoy spending time with the staff and clients, and have got to know them well...
An Eventful EngD Week
What a week! It has been one of those times when multiple important events have all come together, all of which need careful attention and equal consideration. Luckily, they all ended up complementing each other quite well and I can end...
Academic Supervision: You Get a Little, You Give a Little
I enjoyed meeting with several students for different reasons this week. It was nice to "sit on the other side of the supervisory table" and support others with their education. Working towards a doctoral qualification is all about preparing you to...
Developing a New Reflection Habit
Earlier this week, I came across an interesting blog called Mission to Learn, written by Jeff Cobb. I started off by searching for ways to become better at listening and found a post in which Jeff describes an experiment, the...
Down Time L.A.
So, don't get jealous, but I am blogging today whilst on my way to California. I should probably be winding down before the flight, but I am writing this for two reasons. Firstly, I wanted to let you know that...
Another Year Completed
As promised, September was a very busy month, hence the delay in writing this. The Dragon Boat Race was great fun, the CHI paper has been submitted, you read about the ITAI conference in my last post, and the CDE welcomed...
A Busy Month Ahead
August has been filled up with running my latest study, but this will come to an end early next week. Although the completion of this data collection stage will free up my working days, I already have a selection of...
Almost Halfway There: My Top Tips for Managing a Study
At the title suggests, I am almost halfway through this month's study. In my blog this week, I thought I would share my experience so far, and have included some top tips for making life easier when running a study. Take a...