
  • Risk Management and Being Adaptable

    In the summer before I started my EngD project at Designability, I attended a full-day 'How to Manage Your Research Project' training session. It was a very useful event, and a lot of the content was really 'how to manage...

  • A Change of Pace

    In my previous blog post, I alluded to how I have a lot going on both in and out of university at the moment. I think it is time to take a moment and explain what I meant by that,...

  • Where Have You Been, Thomas?

    Good question! It has probably been the longest time period during which I have not posted on my blog, and it's not for lack of having things to write about. As a quick catch up with what's been going, I...

  • December 2019 Update

    Despite the high of previous weeks, so far in December I have felt busy but not very productive. In an attempt to combat this unhelpful attitude, I have prepared one of my monthly updates. Read on to find out what's...

  • Down Time L.A.

    So, don't get jealous, but I am blogging today whilst on my way to California. I should probably be winding down before the flight, but I am writing this for two reasons. Firstly, I wanted to let you know that...

  • A Busy Month Ahead

    August has been filled up with running my latest study, but this will come to an end early next week. Although the completion of this data collection stage will free up my working days, I already have a selection of...

  • July Update: Creating Resources for a Study

    It has taken me a while to get around to blogging recently. Amongst other things, I have been preoccupied with designing the next big research activity for my EngD project. Here is a quick update on where I am with...

  • June Update: Progress is Being Made!

    If I had to sum up the vibe I've had for the past week or so, it would have to be with the phrase "good stressful". To bring you up to speed with all I have been up to, I...

  • May 2019 Update

    I met with my supervisors this week to talk about the progress of my project, so what better time for a blog update? In this post, I will share my progress with conducting interviews, writing a literature review, and some...

  • March Update

    It's been a couple of weeks since my last blog post. Sorry about that! I have been trying to get my head down to finish a first draft of my literature review, and have been sharing some tips on Twitter,...