• 5th Annual HPC Symposium was a great success

    We would like to thank everyone who joined us at the 5th Annual Bath HPC Symposium yesterday. Following the trend from previous years, the event was a great success for the University. This year represented the fifth symposium and the event was attended by over...

  • 5th Annual HPC Symposium - Abstract Submission Now Open

    Abstract submission for the 5th Annual Bath University HPC Symposium on Thursday 9th June is now open [please note that the day (Tuesday) in the earlier announcement was a typo!]. We would like to invite submissions for talks and poster...

  • 5th Annual HPC Symposium - First Announcement

    We are pleased to announce the 5th Annual Bath University HPC Symposium, which will take place on: Thursday, 9th June from 09:30 - 18:00 Registration is free (including refreshments) and is now open at: https://bathhpc-2016.eventbrite.co.uk The deadline for registering is...

  • HPC Symposium 2016 - Thursday 9th June

    Here is a date for your diaries, the University's 5th Symposium on HPC will be held on Thursday 9th June 2016. The main aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for current (and prospective) users of the University's...