• Balena system maintenance: 14th - 21st July 2017

    On the weekend on 15/16th July there will be essential maintenance being carried out on the 5 West data-centre. For this work to be carried out, Balena will need to powered down for that weekend. Following on from this planned...

  • Aquila /data area is being recovered

    To update everyone on the condition of the /data storage area. I have some good news!​ We received the new power supply from ClusterVision for the storage server, after fitting the new supply we discovered that the mainboard has also...

  • Balena service online after BeeGFS upgrade

    The Balena HPC service is now ready for use after the BeeGFS parallel file system upgrade - new features available after this upgrade include informational quota and quota enforcement. We have successfully completed cluster wide pre-production tests to ensure that...

  • BeeGFS upgrade 27th - 31st July 2015

    From 27th July the BeeGFS storage on the Balena HPC cluster will be undergoing an upgrade. We are expecting that Balena will be unavailable for, at most, the entire week while ClusterVision perform the upgrade. During this period there will...

  • Aquila system outage 30th June - 2nd July 2015

    On the 30th June the storage server providing /apps and /data lost power and resulted in the Aquila system becoming unresponsive. This issue was fixed by reseating the power supply unit on the storage node and the storage node boot...