To update everyone on the condition of the /data storage area. I have some good news!​

We received the new power supply from ClusterVision for the storage server, after fitting the new supply we discovered that the mainboard has also experienced a power issue. However, with a bit of tinkering we have been able to use a second server to host the PCI Raid card and with using the new power supply in the storage server to power the disk array (see images below), we have successfully been able to bring back the /data storage area.

We are currently copying this data area (/data) and all other data areas on Aquila (/home and /fhgfs/data) over to a more stable storage system. Once all of the data has been transferred I will provide the details of the new location and will then be turning off the aquila head nodes and remaining storage arrays.

We are looking at keeping the aquila data on this new system until 31st January 2016, after this date we will be wiping all Aquila storage areas.
If you require access to data on the Aquila system belonging to students or researchers in your group who have left the University, please let me know so that we can arrange access.

Team HPC

Posted in: Advancing Research Computing, High Performance Computing (HPC)