
  • Resources for lab reports

    Here I give some resources I have generated for the undergraduate laboratories that I coordinate. Some templates for lab reports, both in Word and LaTeX form (based nearly wholly on an IOP template). And some videos and resources on how...

  • Pizza+Posters+Staff+Students

    Today was the third running of the (somewhat) annual event "Pizza+Posters+Staff+Students". I had managed to get 12 members of staff to produce posters and present their work. The Head of the Department bought pizzas and we had a great turnout...

  • Twin Paradox*

    Here I wish to play a bit with the "Twin Paradox" of Special Relativity. [*note, it ain't a paradox]. For this you'll need to be happy with (1) time-dilation, (2) length-contraction, (3) Lorentz velocity transforms and (4) straight lines. I...

  • My approach and philosophy to teaching

    I had to write a small piece on my approach and philosophy to teaching here it is: Engaged learning through impediment free and active teaching Peter A. Sloan FHEA PhD MChemPhys I have taught at Bath for just over 5...

  • Gender biased coursework?

    Is my 2nd year coursework sexist? See here and here and here for the background, 2014 analysis and the 2014+2015 analysis. As part of a drive to remove the gender imbalance in the sciences the Department of Physics at Bath...

  • Automated coursework analysis (part 2)

    In two previous blog posts (here and here) I outlined the rationale behind and presented an analysis of the first year's worth of data for my "Automated and anonymous coursework". Here I will add in the second year's worth of...

  • What effect did my new coursework have on exam outcome?

    Abstract: Those that handed-in the coursework had a higher mark in my bit of the exam (76%)  than those that did not do the coursework (57%). This uplift was true for all students no matter what their overall all grade for...

  • Randomised course-work.

    I have taught 1/2 of the 2nd year course "Quantum and Atomic physics" (PH2013/60 if you care) for three years. My section, 5 weeks long and 15 1-hours teaching sessions takes the students from solving the Schrodinger equation for a...

  • Graduation

    Congratulations of Sarah and Rebecca, both graduating from the MPhy course. It was a pleasure to have you in the lab. Will you be back?

  • Some of my thoughts on Exams.

    I have just walked up the hill to the University of Bath listening to my radio. On the Today program there was an interview with the head of Ofqual explaining the new GCSE (or whatever they are) exams. Instead of...