Here I give some resources I have generated for the undergraduate laboratories that I coordinate. Some templates for lab reports, both in Word and LaTeX form (based nearly wholly on an IOP template). And some videos and resources on how...
Today was the third running of the (somewhat) annual event "Pizza+Posters+Staff+Students". I had managed to get 12 members of staff to produce posters and present their work. The Head of the Department bought pizzas and we had a great turnout...
Here I wish to play a bit with the "Twin Paradox" of Special Relativity. [*note, it ain't a paradox]. For this you'll need to be happy with (1) time-dilation, (2) length-contraction, (3) Lorentz velocity transforms and (4) straight lines. I...
Hopefully in the future! Please please please keep the blog updated so I can tune in to everything!