Today was the third running of the (somewhat) annual event "Pizza+Posters+Staff+Students". I had managed to get 12 members of staff to produce posters and present their work. The Head of the Department bought pizzas and we had a great turnout...
Penguin Tossing
Some attempts to toss a penguin over an ancient, ~ 4000 years old, Standing Stone of Stenness (Link). Well when you're in Orkney one really should try new things. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZAo-FbQ24I&feature=youtu.be
Nice equations in Prezi
I like Prezi, I like Latex. Here is how to get nice Latex equations into Prezi.
Gender imbalance in science
Have a look at this short film. . It's crazy to think there is still great gender imbalance (a very polite term) in science in 2013. But there is. Edinburgh Chemistry are and have done great things to address key...
BBC News - Carry on camping - can a week under canvas reset our body clocks?
BBC News - Carry on camping - can a week under canvas reset our body clocks?. Well I think I kind of knew this. The last time I had a week or more camping was before going to Polanyi's lab...