Gender imbalance in science

Posted in: Athena SWAN, Ramblings

Have a look at this short film.


It's crazy to think there is still great gender imbalance (a very polite term) in science in 2013.  But there is. Edinburgh Chemistry are and have done great things to address key issues. Here at Bath the University is trying a few things. Here in Physics at Bath we're aiming to change things at the Departmental level to not only make the Department a better place for female physicists to work, but for all physicists to work. To this end we are about to apply for a Bronze Athena SWAN award (the, we're a bit rubbish (as is everyone else) but at least we know it and we're making plans, level). We'll soon be finishing our first draft of our application that includes al our hard statistics, but here, for you, is our Bath Physics leaky pipeline. I hope it'll look better in the future.



Posted in: Athena SWAN, Ramblings


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