New Product - Digital Paper from Sony
This morning we had a demonstration from Sony for a new product: Digital Paper. Digital Paper is a platform to manage documents. The device is not meant for reading books on - like a Kindle. It is a purpose built...
BoB (Box of Broadcasts) for Students
Featured Service: Box of Broadcasts (BoB) What is BoB? BoB BoB is an off-air recording service with a massive archive of over 1 million television programmes, radio programmes, and films that have been aired on 60+ UK terrestrial channels since 2007....
BoB (Box of Broadcasts) Upgraded
Over the last week BoB has been upgraded. BoB is a large video and radio recorder that you can use - in a similar way to iPlayer - except the recordings never expire! Last week's post showed how we can...
Sourcing TV and Radio materials for teaching
The University has use of the BoB (Box of Broadcasts) to source material from the TV and Radio. BoB enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio...
8W - Preview before teaching starts
With all the changes to the teaching rooms made over the summer in 8W, we've organised a few drop-in sessions to look at some of the rooms. Monday 21 to Friday 25 September - 10:15 to 12:15 - 8W2.15 (standard...
8W Teaching Rooms - New AV equipment functions
Over the summer the AV equipment in the classrooms has been renewed, and the rooms refurbished. There are quite a few new inclusions: Most of the lectern tops follow this design below - Where there is a preview monitor in...
Teaching Rooms - Reporting Faults
The way we can report faults from this Academic year onwards is changing. There is a new way to feedback to us if you spot something wrong, or not as you expect it to be: If you go there,...
TurningPoint Webinars
Turning Technologies have messaged us today to say they have some webinars available: Basic Polling with ResponseWare Gain a basic understanding of TurningPoint’s native PowerPoint polling option, including how to get started, how to build a question, different question types,...
Re:View Update
Over the last weekend, Panopto, who provide the Re:View platform for us, have completed their update of their servers, and consequently the software version of the server. We are now running version 4.9. There are no items of great effect,...
Lecture Capture Upgrade - Downtime Coming
Panopto, who provide our lecture capture platform, have recently announced that they will be upgrading our Re:View platform on: Saturday, May 30 - from 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. Panopto will upgrade our version from 4.8 to 4.9. This means...