An international student shares tips on what you can do if you are staying in Bath over Christmas.
During this time of the year, most of us travel home to be with family and friends. Unfortunately, this is not possible for everyone and some students might feel the need to stay in Bath. Whether it is due to deadlines or assessments, cost of travel or other issues some students stay in Bath whilst most of their friends might go home. Unfortunately, this can lead to feelings of loneliness and sadness during this period of the year. This can be especially enforced if we see others enjoying their time with their family and friends through social media or when you go out.
Staying at Bath may also lead to not knowing what to do or how to spend your holidays, especially since some things close down during this period. This blog aims to provide some student tips on what one can do if they decide to stay in Bath over the Christmas period, including events run by Student Services at the University of Bath.
The holiday period during the academic year happens for a good reason, and this reason can be that despite working hard, we need to remind ourselves to stop a bit from our academic work and have some leisure and relaxing time before the exam period creeps up.
The first tip I would like to share with you is to create a schedule for your work and leisure time. By having a schedule you can make sure that everything is allotted its deserved time and can help you feel more at ease. You can relax and have fun in various ways. This can include using the sports facilities of the University or going on a walk through the many parks available in Bath. Leisure time can also include listening to music or doing some light reading that can help you stay entertained.
If you fancy exploring or going around, maybe you can include a day trip or two to nearby cities such as Bristol, Wells, Cardiff or London which are all within one hour and thirty minutes away from Bath whether via train or bus. During this time of the year, cities tend to be decorated for the festivities which can be an experience to see in different cities. If this may be too much, you can do some exploring around Bath itself. University of Bath students have free or discounted entrance to various cultural museums and landmarks in Bath when presenting their library card. These includes, but is not limited to, the Roman Baths and the Victoria Art Gallery.
In addition, if you find yourself constantly missing home, you can communicate with your family and friends via phone calls or messaging as despite the distance, technology can help you feel more connected to your loved ones. Or if you usually hold certain traditions, why not make your own whilst you are in Bath?
As I mentioned above, Student Services are very mindful of the students who stay in Bath during the Christmas period and have a series of events happening throughout the whole period that can help you celebrate the festivities. During these activities, you can meet other students who have stayed in Bath too and maybe socialise together at some further events. Student Services are organising trips to the Panto, a Christmas decoration making workshop, and Christmas Day lunch. For further information about the activities held by Student Services is on their website.
Engaging in activities whilst also working can help distract you from missing home to make your Christmas holidays more bearable. However, it is also good to remember that missing home can be a normal reaction, especially if you have not been there for a while. It is a temporary feeling that will soon pass by. However, if you find yourself constantly alone or wish to open up with someone, you can always refer to Student Services and not experience this by yourself. More information on how you can contact them can be found on the their website.
I hope this blog helps you if you find yourself missing home during the Christmas period and maybe it can give you some ideas on what you can do.