C3Bio - a new research centre

Posted in: Environmental applications, Healthcare applications, Security applications

A new research centre has recently been established at the University of Bath: Centre for Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices (C3Bio).

C3Bio brings together a critical mass of researchers from engineering, physical, life and social sciences working on different aspects of biosensors (sensing elements and techniques), bioelectronics (electrophysiology and bioelectronic circuits) and biodevices (device co-design and integration). C3Bio has been established with over 70 members across nine departments from three Faculties: 15 core academics, 13 affiliated academics, 10 postdoctoral researchers and 33 PhD students.

Multidisciplinary cross-sector collaboration is required to underpin the step-change in the research and development needed to solve existing/new sensing problems whilst addressing end users’ requirements and expectations in the real world. C3Bio aims at addressing these challenges by bringing together different disciplines and interfacing with the end users. The focus of research in C3Bio is to advance both fundamental and applied scientific and technological developments in different aspects of biosensors, bioelectronics and biodevices, with a direct impact on a wide range of applications such as healthcare (disease diagnosis, monitoring of conditions, theranostics, drug discovery), environmental monitoring, control of biotechnological processes, robotic/autonomous systems, and life and medical sciences research.

For more information about the Centre please contact Dr Pedro Estrela (Director) or Prof Chris Frost (Deputy Director).

Posted in: Environmental applications, Healthcare applications, Security applications


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