biosensor-networkOctober 1, 2012
Biosensor research projects receive Marie Curie funding
During the latest round of funding made available through the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITNs), three bids led by Bath researchers were successful, two of which are biosensor projects.
biosensor-networkSeptember 28, 2012
New professor of healthcare engineering joins Biosensor Network
The University has appointed Professor Richie Gill to pull together multi-disciplinary expertise in healthcare engineering from across the institution.
biosensor-networkAugust 7, 2012
Welcome to the Bath Biosensor Network blog!
The Bath Biosensor Network has launched its new website and blog. We'll be using this space to update you on our research, events and activities, and welcome your comments. We're also looking for contributors to our new blog, so do...
More from this author
biosensor-networkOctober 1, 2012
Biosensor research projects receive Marie Curie funding
During the latest round of funding made available through the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITNs), three bids led by Bath researchers were successful, two of which are biosensor projects.
biosensor-networkSeptember 28, 2012
New professor of healthcare engineering joins Biosensor Network
The University has appointed Professor Richie Gill to pull together multi-disciplinary expertise in healthcare engineering from across the institution.
biosensor-networkAugust 7, 2012
Welcome to the Bath Biosensor Network blog!
The Bath Biosensor Network has launched its new website and blog. We'll be using this space to update you on our research, events and activities, and welcome your comments. We're also looking for contributors to our new blog, so do...