Time management tips for successful job hunting

Posted in: Finding a Job, Graduate Jobs, Work Experience


Applying for a placement, internship or graduate role whilst juggling the demands of your course can be quite a challenge. That old adage "job hunting is a job in itself" really rings true! I stumbled across this really useful article from the Guardian on time management tips for successful job hunting. In particular, I thought the advice from Clare Evans was superb  "Work in short bursts so that you don't get mentally or physically distracted. Give yourself mini-targets for what you're going to achieve in the next hour and then take a break. When you have a lot to do or you're feeling overwhelmed, you need to prioritise. Do important tasks before they become urgent and avoid time-wasting tasks. Get support, if you don't have the skills to do a particular task, ask someone else or delegate to someone who does."

Websites such as Graddiary and Milkround highlight key graduate scheme application deadlines. You may want to have a quick look and prioritse your applications by  closing dates. It is also worth remembering that the quality of your application really matters! Spend time on a few but well written applications as opposed to a scatter gun approach. And always get a second opinion. Do book an appointment with the Careers Service, sometimes a fresh perspective is all you need to get your application mojo!

Posted in: Finding a Job, Graduate Jobs, Work Experience


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