Hope you all had a lovely Easter break! We know there are a number of you out there who are fans of George R . R Martins Game of Thrones books and the ever popular HBO series which kicks off again tonight. That's why we were very excited to read the Guardian's job tips from Westeros. Our take is as follows:
- It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses and Tyrion Lannister has demonstrated superb self-awareness. Being self aware is the first step to identifying the types of roles you might be suited to. To help you get started, why not try one of our Team Focus personality tests?
- Daenerys Targarye demonstrates the importance of listening and learning from others experience. It is important to read case studies, talk to everyone in your network and reach out to careers advisers. You will not only build a picture of what skills particular employers are looking for but will also understand what opportunities and challenges lie within a particular sector.
- Whilst it is dangerous to boast about family connections especially if you are a Lannister, we do think it is useful to harness connections... in particular Bath Connection. It is a great way to find out what Bath alumni are doing and contact them for friendly and informal careers advice.
- Finally Arya Stark teaches us the importance of determination! Looking for an internship, job or applying for a PhD has its up's and down's and often rejection is part of the mix. The important thing is to learn and adapt, seek feedback and change your application strategy.
Good Luck!