Are you considering applying for graduate schemes this year?

Posted in: Event, Graduate Jobs, Tips & Hints

It seems every year, graduate scheme applications open earlier and earlier! However as a general rule of thumb, the application period for graduate schemes starts in at the end of August and will end in December 2015 or January 2016. A significant proportion of employer shortlist on a rolling basis, therefore it is important to apply early!

To give you the best possible start, the  Careers Service will be offering a series of 1-hour webinars (you can participate from the comfort of your home) aimed at students embarking on their final year and students who have recently graduated.  The #getahead programme covers all aspects of career planning, from understanding the graduate job market, improving your applications to considering postgraduate study. You can participate in all the sessions or choose the ones that are most relevant to your circumstances.

How to begin your graduate job search
14th September 2015

This is a MUST if you are considering applying for a graduate scheme this year! We will provide information on where to look for grad schemes, how to market yourself and will also share alternative options.

How to ace aptitude and other psychometric tests
15th September 2015

If you are thinking of applying for a graduate training scheme chances are you’ll have to complete some sort of psychometric tests as part of the selection process. During our informative webinar we will discuss typical psychometric tests and will signpost you to resources to help you develop your confidence.

Improve your CV and applications
16th September 2015

In this session we'll look at how to improve your CVs, cover letters and applications forms through interactive activities allowing you to 'sit in the recruiter's shoes'.  Understand what employers are looking for, how they assess your applications and how best to market yourself effectively.

Considering a PhD or a Masters?
17th September 2015

Whether you’re considering a Masters or a PhD, this informative sessions will give you space to consider your options. We will share tips on writing personal statements and will provide advice on sources of funding.

For more information and to reserve your place, please visit MyFuture.

Posted in: Event, Graduate Jobs, Tips & Hints


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  • I am preparing to do my final year in social work. I would like to attend sessions on writing CV and am also considering doing my masters degree in Social Work or psychology.

  • I am considering to apply for marketing positions in graduate schemes. I would like to attend sessions on writing CVs and application and also on psychometric tests.