Just a quick note today in response to some comments from students that all the jobs being advertised are for business roles. There are some great public sector schemes either open or about to open which are advertised in MyFuture:
Civil Service Fast Stream ( various different streams) closing date 30th November
National Graduate Development Programme (local government) opens 9th November closes 11 January
Frontline (working with vulnerable children and families) closes 12th November
NHS Graduate Scheme (four different schemes) closes 7th December
Think Ahead ( fast track scheme for mental health social work) closes Dec 2015/January 2016
Teach First (Teach First Leadership Development Programme 2016) closes Feb 2016
There are few Charity Sector Programmes but this is open:
Cancer Research Graduate Programme closes 15th November
Whilst many employers come to Bath to recruit our students there are many other areas of work that graduates can work in which have alternative or less visible ways of recruiting. Our Careers Advisers have produced a series of information sheets to help students with some of these areas. They can all be downloaded from the information resources section of our website:
- Alternative careers in science
- Careers for modern linguists
- Careers for those studying economics
- Careers in biosciences & pharmaceuticals
- Careers in medicine, dentistry & allied health
- Careers in scientific analysis and R&D
- Careers in sport
- International development, international organisations and international relations careers
- Politics careers, including working in Westminster and Europe
- Social policy, social sciences and sociology careers
- Working in the charity sector
Finally note this event:
Working in the Not for Profit/Charity Sector - 2 Bath Alumuni stories
26-Nov-2015 1:15 - 2.05 pm (bookings open Monday 2nd November 9:00 am in MyFuture)
Two Bath alumni with long experience of working in the not for profit sector will come and share their experiences of working in the sector and offer advice to current students.