1000+ Years of Careers Advice

Posted in: Advice, inspire, Tips & Hints

1000+ Years of Careers Advice


So, what do graduates do 10 years on? What have they learnt along the way, what challenges have they overcome, regrets and poor decisions made, pros and cons of different jobs, thought processes and what tips and advice can they give, you, current students, to make it easier to decide what to do next?

Well, there are plenty of resources for you to find this out and here is a summary of some of them:

  • Do you want to know what 100 graduates did 10 years after they graduated? This new website and book does just that. Find out how their career journeys can help you. The new book will be free for the first 5 days from March 16th, so go and grab it while you can!
  • Are you studying a PhD? Vitae,  the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, has over 150 careers stories on their website for you to read or watch.
  • We have several videos on our Bath Careers streamed video section which details several student journeys into work.
  • I have shared this before, but icould.com has loads of videos of different career journeys, from different areas of work and life.

Have a look and learn for yourself. Over a thousand years of careers advice is there for the taking. Get inspired.

Posted in: Advice, inspire, Tips & Hints


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