If you are applying for jobs within the science or the healthcare sector, you are likely to encounter an MMI. The following opportunities include the MMI style of interview:
- The Scientist Training Programme
- Graduate entry into dentistry or medicine
- Physician's associate training courses
- Pharmacy pre-registration training
The MMI consists of several short practical assessments usually 7-10 minutes in length, you may be given a scenario with some time to prepare or have to take part in a role-play with an actor. The assessments are often referred to as 'stations' and each station will be lead by at least two interviewers. Depending on the role, you may participate in 4-10 stations. One of the advantages of an MMI is that you will be assessed in a variety of situations which means you will be able to present a rounded picture of yourself.
MMI interviews can feel daunting, however the right kind of preparation will make all the difference. We’ve put together five top tips which will help you shine at your interview:
- Find out everything you can about the MMI process by talking to alumni, reading advice in forums such as the student room and by talking to one of our expert careers advisers.
- Familiarise yourself with the skills, qualities and knowledge the interviewers will be assessing as they will provide clues around the types of questions you can expect. You may want to be familiar with NHS values and its constitution.
- Plan ahead by preparing examples drawing on your academic, work and extra curricular activities. Variety of examples is good as you are presenting yourself as a rounded individual.
- Keep up to date with medical news, and check out the NHS Hot Topics page. Interview questions may be inspired by stories or debates in the media.
- Practice giving 8-minute presentations in response to common MMI questions. This will help with time management on the day.
Remember the MMI is designed to test your communication skills, therefore be compassionate and sensitive. Listen carefully to the question being asked and if you are unsure ask for clarification. The following resources are really helpful:
Great Post thanks for sharing