Where to find UK post study visa information - for international students
In my appointments with international students on a Tier 4 visa, I find that many students are not aware of the visa options available to them after they graduate nor where to find more information about the working after studies visa options. As a previous international student myself, although in a different country, I have always regretted not having researched my visa options before at the very last minute, which caused a lot of stress and worry at the time. Therefore, in this brief blog, I want to highlight some excellent links to explore and also where you can get more support.
Please note that government policy regarding post - study work change on a regular basis, therefore make sure to check these links for updates.
- Tip 1: Get familiar with UKCISA website, especially the Working After Studies section
UKCISA is the main website and organisation for international students in the UK and has a wealth of information and links on its website. UK Council for International Student Affairs have supported international students, institutions, students' unions and related organisations since 1968. Make sure to check out the information resources and student blogs.
- Tip 2: Stay updated on recent news by registering for UKCISA student newsletter
You can subscribe to their newsletter and get regular news and information straight to your inbox, easy and stress-free.
- Tip 3: Have a look at the online visa information from Student Immigration Service on campus
Do you know we have an excellent team of Student Advisers that specialise in supporting international students on campus? They have created a great page of links, vital information and resources, whether you are looking for work whilst you are studying or after studying. Have a look now.
- Tip 4: Go to a drop - in in Student Services - 4West
As said above, we have an excellent team of advisers who can support you with your queries in a drop-in appointment. Scroll down the page on the link above and see their drop-in times. It is advised that you look through the information in the above link, as you may find the answer to your queries there!
- Tip 5: Be aware of the UKCISA advice line for students….
Did you know that UKCISA has a phone advice line for students? It is however only open at certain times. However, before calling make sure to have a read through their online information as the line is very busy, and you may find answers to your queries there.
We wish you all the best in your research!