New Books in our Careers Library!
We have a small reference library of carefully selected career books in the Careers Service. Come in and have a browse and a read, or find a list of what’s in stock in our online catalogue. Newly purchased items are listed...
Will a robot take your job?
Following the report by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills about the future of jobs in 2030; futurologists warn that it would be wrong to assume that today’s money spinning careers such as banking or law – will remain the best paid jobs...
Gender Pay Equality - will we ever get there?
My colleague Sue Briault was talking to me about the film 'Suffragettes' which she watched a few days ago and it made me consider how far gender equality has come in the hundred years since the militant struggles for the right to...
Lacking career inspiration - a cat is your perfect muse!
We have a lot of cat lovers in the Careers Service, I am shamelessly sharing a photo of my two cats - Sooty and Snowy. Like all cats, mine are incredibly tenacious, adaptable and know all the 'cuteness tricks' to get...
MOOC your way to career success!
For those who are unfamiliar, MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) are often offered free by a variety of sources (sometimes for-profit companies, sometimes universities, sometimes a collaboration between the two). Often serving as introductions to key concepts, I have seen students...