
  • New Books in our Careers Library!

    We have a small reference library of carefully selected career books in the Careers Service. Come in and have a browse and a read, or find a list of what’s in stock in our online catalogue. Newly purchased items are listed...

  • Will a robot take your job?

    Following the report by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills about the future of jobs in 2030; futurologists warn that it would be wrong to assume that today’s money spinning careers such as banking or law – will remain the best paid jobs...

  • Gender Pay Equality - will we ever get there?

    My colleague Sue Briault was talking to me about the film 'Suffragettes' which she watched a few days ago and it made me consider how far gender equality has come in the hundred years since the militant struggles for the right to...

  • Lacking career inspiration - a cat is your perfect muse!

    We have a lot of cat lovers in the Careers Service, I am shamelessly sharing a photo of my two cats - Sooty and Snowy. Like all cats, mine are incredibly tenacious, adaptable and know all the 'cuteness tricks' to get...

  • MOOC your way to career success!

        For those who are unfamiliar, MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses)  are often offered free by a variety of sources (sometimes for-profit companies, sometimes universities, sometimes a collaboration between the two). Often serving as introductions to key concepts, I have seen students...