bullet points
Three steps to CV Heaven
Last time I wrote about the most common questions we are asked/advice that we give here in CV-Land at the Careers Service Not-so-secret tips for your super CV Today I just wanted to give you one short and snappy tip....
Assertive applications: How to use language to your advantage
Tiny tweaks to your wording can have huge implications on the impression you give. Here are some tips on how to create a confident appeal in your applications. It’s All About You There is a strong pattern that runs through...
CV Tips: Writing effective bullet points (Part 2)
We see lots of CVs that do an excellent job of describing responsibilities and tasks. But we don’t see many that articulate how that person has done things - that is, what personal skills or attributes they have used to...
CV tips: Writing effective bullet points (Part 1)
Struggling to get bullet points right in your CV? One of the things we notice most is how many students sell themselves short by writing ineffective bullet points lacking in crucial detail. Often, it’s just about adding a few extra...