Channel your inner monkey for a successful 2016!
Many of our students and graduates will be welcoming the Year of Monkey today and the Bath careers team would like to take this opportunity to wish you all Gōngxǐ fācái. We understand that according to Chinese astrology, the monkey is intelligent,...
How can women develop leadership skills?
This Saturday, the University of Bath Students Union are hosting our first ever Women in Leadership Conference. The careers team are thrilled to be part of this event and we will be delivering workshops and offering 1:1 careers support to the...
The hard truth about soft skills
Sometimes it seems as though the list of skills and attributes that employers want in their potential employees is getting longer and harder to attain. And, worst of all, it's full of unmeasurable, intangible 'soft skills'. Things like 'interpersonal skills', 'communication',...
How to be more commercially aware
Many employers love Bath students. They are well-qualified, intelligent, active, have experience - but sometimes they don't do as well in employer selection processes as the employers (or the students) were expecting. When we dig a little deeper, this tends...