5 quick fixes for your cover letter language
So, you’re in the final stages of writing your cover letter? Nice work! Here are some checks that you can make before you send it off. 1. Uncertainty. Scan for phrases like “I feel that”, “I think”, “I began to...
How to sound positive in your applications when 2020 has been pretty rubbish so far…
Part One – How to use your remote work experience to demonstrate virtual working skills Placements and internships cancelled, travel plans binned and social life….what social life? Maybe, like me, you were full of good intentions for making the best...
Selling your strengths with autism
Finding a job is hard for everyone. When you are autistic, it can be harder. You might face that extra conundrum of ‘should I tell them I’m autistic?’. There is no right or wrong answer to this. Yet, if you...
Informal interview? Relax yes...but not too much
Here in the Careers Service we are often told by students that they are feeling nervous because they have been invited for an “informal” interview. This type of interview seems to be a growing trend, even during lockdown and especially...
Adding transferable skills to your CV
If you have created a CV and feel that it is a little on the sparse side, you can add more detail by writing about your transferable skills. You do not need to have completed paid work experience to have...
Needed! Urgently! Your leadership skills!
Why the post Covid-19 world will need your leadership skills I’ve been thinking for some time about writing a blog to help students write in a more compelling way about their leadership skills. “Leadership” as a required core skill is...
So what did you do in Spring 2020 ? Interview questions in the post-Covid19 world
I’m writing this in mid March 2020. I don’t have a crystal ball…but all things must and will pass. At some point, hopefully not in the too distant future, we will be at least be gradually “coming out the other...
Skills You Need Now to Land the Jobs of the Future
A panel of employers recently discussed the future of careers and the aptitudes the workforce of the future will require*. Representatives from FDM, Virgin Media, SAP and the Institute of Student Employers all agreed that careers of the future do...
Three steps to CV Heaven
Last time I wrote about the most common questions we are asked/advice that we give here in CV-Land at the Careers Service Not-so-secret tips for your super CV Today I just wanted to give you one short and snappy tip....
Not-so-secret tips for your super CV
We’ve had a busy time with our applications advice appointments this semester…410 CV/Cover Letter sessions and counting. If you had been a fly on the wall in the Careers Service you would have heard us say the following things quite...