soft skills
Selling your part-time work experience to employers
I've seen a few students recently who have asked 'but are employers really interested in my job in a bar/shop/restaurant?' While some sectors will require relevant work experience, UK graduate employers value any experience that gives you insight into the...
4 unique skills that make you stand out as an international student
Looking for a job in the UK can be a daunting process and even more so when you are an international student. However, being an international student can be an advantage! You may have unique skills and experiences that could...
Presenting your soft skills: Convince them of your capabilities
Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are mentioned on almost every cover letter and personal statement we see. You can imagine that recruiters get the same déjà vu. Meeting their criteria is essential but sometimes it isn’t enough to keep them...
Ability or empathy - what will help your career more?
I read an article today about some research done for Hay Group, a management consultancy, that had as its main theme the fact that "70% of graduate respondents say[ing] that in order to succeed in their work they simply need to be...