transferable skills
CVs for first year students - your FAQs answered!
So you’re thinking ahead to the summer and would like to get some part time work to earn some money or an internship/insight experience to build your work experience? We’ve compiled a list of FAQs which we are often asked...
5 quick fixes for your cover letter language
So, you’re in the final stages of writing your cover letter? Nice work! Here are some checks that you can make before you send it off. 1. Uncertainty. Scan for phrases like “I feel that”, “I think”, “I began to...
Psychological tips for job-hunting
Let’s be straight, job-hunting is exhausting and can lead to burn-out. But, it can pay off and change your entire life. This is why it is important to prepare. Yet, there is a difference between being organised and being mentally...
How to write a perfect CV (Part 2)
Following on from Part 1, here are some tips on writing your best CV for now. Considering you’ve been accepted into university, let’s play to your strengths and write it like an assignment! Purpose Why are employers asking for your...
How to write a perfect CV (Part 1)
I see many students who feel that their CV is not good enough; that something is missing. I’m often asked, ‘should I keep this in, should I take this out?’ so I am here to tell you that only you...
My work experience was cancelled and now I've got nothing to put in my CV
You're certainly not alone.. So many great work and professional opportunities couldn’t happen this year, or at least not in the form originally intended. Employers and graduate recruiters know that. From talking to them, I know that employers are also...
How to sound positive in your applications when 2020 has been pretty rubbish so far…
Part One – How to use your remote work experience to demonstrate virtual working skills Placements and internships cancelled, travel plans binned and social life….what social life? Maybe, like me, you were full of good intentions for making the best...
Selling your strengths with autism
Finding a job is hard for everyone. When you are autistic, it can be harder. You might face that extra conundrum of ‘should I tell them I’m autistic?’. There is no right or wrong answer to this. Yet, if you...
Adding transferable skills to your CV
If you have created a CV and feel that it is a little on the sparse side, you can add more detail by writing about your transferable skills. You do not need to have completed paid work experience to have...
Your internship got cancelled? Don’t panic - Here are your options.
You might feel that you’ve had the rug pulled from under your feet. Career opportunities have been yanked back all over the place and this is deeply disappointing for both parties. Whoever rescinded your offer are missing out on your...