transferable skills
Needed! Urgently! Your leadership skills!
Why the post Covid-19 world will need your leadership skills I’ve been thinking for some time about writing a blog to help students write in a more compelling way about their leadership skills. “Leadership” as a required core skill is...
Immediate Temporary Work During Covid-19
These are difficult times and some of you may be looking for immediate short-term temporary work for many different reasons. If you are in need of immediate temporary work there are several companies and sectors that are recruiting. Here...
Presenting your soft skills: Convince them of your capabilities
Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are mentioned on almost every cover letter and personal statement we see. You can imagine that recruiters get the same déjà vu. Meeting their criteria is essential but sometimes it isn’t enough to keep them...
Skills You Need Now to Land the Jobs of the Future
A panel of employers recently discussed the future of careers and the aptitudes the workforce of the future will require*. Representatives from FDM, Virgin Media, SAP and the Institute of Student Employers all agreed that careers of the future do...
Being your boss: A view from the other side of the desk #3
3. How to help your boss keep you motivated and in their organisation. Debbie Pye is our Application Adviser and has written this excellent series of three blogs looking at the viewpoints of business leaders hiring graduates and placement students....
Being your boss: A view from the other side of the desk #2
Being your boss: A view from the other side of the desk #2 Debbie Pye is our Application Adviser and has written this excellent series of three blogs looking at the viewpoints of business leaders hiring graduates and placement students....
Being your boss: A view from the other side of the desk #1
Debbie Pye is our Application Adviser and has written this excellent series of three blogs looking at the viewpoints of business leaders hiring graduates and placement students. The next part in the series will be published next Tuesday. Being...