August 2019
Tackling menstrual hygiene and taboos in rural Nepal
By Jennifer Thomson, Fran Amery and Melanie Channon Centre for Development Studies members Dr Melanie Channon, Dr Fran Amery and Dr Jennifer Thomson spent a week in Kathmandu, Nepal in late July as part of their GCRF funded project Menstrual...
An Assault on Indigenous Peoples in Brazil
By Denise Humphreys Bebbington, Ricardo Verdum, Anthony Bebbington The Amazon basin is home to over 385 indigenous groups, including 71 groups living in voluntary isolation, and the world’s largest intact tropical rainforest. These two facts are not unrelated. Indeed studies...
Feel the pain, change the narrative, then celebrate
By Ana Cecilia Dinerstein In the past two decades, indigenous peoples’ movements have become more visible and stronger in the global struggle for social justice, particularly against new economic policies based on extractivism, land grabbing and the privatisation of ejidos...
Challenges in crafting Citizens’ Assemblies for local responses to the climate emergency
By Susan Johnson Effective campaigning by activists such as Extinction Rebellion and Youth4Climate Strikers has led a number of municipalities, town and district councils to declare climate emergencies. Among Extinction Rebellion’s demands is that of using Citizens’ Assemblies (CAs) to...