Remember to breathe...

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I am a big fan of the Apple Watch. It has a number of useful features and is another gadget to fiddle about with in addition to my iPhone. However, I do wonder if perhaps it was trained at the Norland College here in Bath. Why, you might ask? Well it is because my watch seems to have a desire to ‘nanny me’. Every now and again, usually whilst I am binge-watching Netflix, it vibrates and informs me that ‘it is time to stand’. On other occasions it vibrates and notifies me that ‘I am halfway towards my move goal for the day’. At times it offers exhortation along the lines ‘it's not too late to take some exercise …’ When you are out walking the watch will discern that you are outdoors and seeks to see if it can record your ‘outdoor walk’ as a contribution to your fitness (ha ha) regime. It tracks your heart rate - current, resting and walking and presents averages for your delectation.

The watch recently excelled itself in its self-appointed role as nanny, by reminding me to breathe! Nanny Apple Watch I have been breathing for the past 61 years or so … I do not need reminding. But Nanny Watch corrects that assumption. You breathe ‘mindfully’ to bring down your heart rate (see above) and to lower your blood pressure.

Very thoughtful!

I suppose Nanny Watch has my best interests at heart (if you will excuse the pun).

 We could say the same of God. God has our best interests at heart. God cares for us in the good times and the bad. Thankfully God does not shake your arm and say ‘time for physical jerks my friend’ nor does God force one from the sofa whilst watching the latest box set on Amazon Video. However, God does remind us to breathe. Stop. Take stock. Be mindful. Calm down. Reduce the stress and the blood pressure. God reminds us to live life in all its fullness.

A life in balance where amidst the business - we can stop and ‘remember to breathe’.

David Pattie

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